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How Proper Diet to Lose Weight

Diet to Lose Weight

In this article we will discuss tips on how to slim fast, diet program that you can do to thin, and some things to avoid in the process of losing weight. Being skinny and slim is a dream of many people, especially women. The body is thin and slim is often seen as an ideal benchmark to be called beautiful or sexy.

Although many say that beauty is relative and not only in light of the size of the body, but in reality this is not always true. Can be seen every day there are more and more women are vying to lose weight quickly and make their bodies look like the models on TV.

Diet program to Lose Weight that you can do?

If you want to lose weight, you need to have a regular diet and eating schedule that kept the diet. Make sure you eat foods that will meet the nutritional needs of your body without making the body to be stretched.

For how to lose weight fast, make sure you follow the following pattern during your diet.

1. Drinking 8 glasses of water a day, or the equivalent of 2 liters of water / day. Do not consume ice cold water let alone water.

2. If you eat rice (carbohydrate), should not be mixed with fish or meat (protein). You better just eat vegetables.

3. Do not eat after 19.00 or 3 hours before you sleep.

4. Do not eat canned food. More multiply the consumption of vegetables and fruits.

5. Always prepare a fruit - fresh fruit in the house. For breakfast or breakfast, you better eat oatmeal or natural fruits.

6. The ideal vegetables to be consumed in the diet are cabbage and broccoli.

7. If you're hungry, it's better to drink fruit juices such as carrot juice, strawberry juice, and tomato juice. And do not add sugar as a sweetener in addition to your juice. It is better to choose fruit that is sweet and fresh juices to serve.

You must have heard many different ways to lose weight fast. But are the ways that you know are proven safe to be practiced? Because after all health is the most important thing that should be prioritized. 

For that, let us discuss the various ways to lose weight fast, but also safe.

1. Eat a lot (but regular and small meals)

You are encouraged to eat regularly, even frequently - often eating, but in the amount or portion of food a little more. It is useful to aid digestion in the body's metabolism. In a program of diet, avoid at all not to eat. This will bring a negative impact to the body, but it does not eat at all even sometimes to make someone fatter in the process (because of impaired metabolism).

Avoid fats, carbohydrates, and sugar in the daily meals. Expand eat protein and vegetables are highly recommended, because the food will be very good if consumed every day and will not lead to obesity. Other foods consumed great if you want to lose weight fast is sardines, grapes, pumpkins and beef.

2. Slowly - land only eat

Do not rush when you're enjoying your meal. Chew food slowly for a smoother and more easily digested by the body. The food is poorly digested by the body will make you feel hungry even though you still have to consume a lot of food.

The process of chewing food, in addition to making food more easily absorbed by the body, it is also useful for adding saliva in the food. This will help the process of converting carbohydrates into glucose, so that you can more quickly satisfied with less food.

3. Do not sit and hold

If you do a job that requires you to sit still for a long time, give pause or break every one hour. Perform the movement to stretch muscles or stretching so that the body does not feel stiff. Besides actively moving more like a small child will also make you faster weight decreases.

4. Drinking lots of water can make thin

The simplest way is to drink lots of water. Dose in drinking water that ideal is about 2 liters / day or equal to 8 cups / day. Why drinking water is important if you want to lose weight fast? Because water has an important role in helping the body to process food into energy.

In addition water also works naturally to boost the metabolic reactions in the body. Therefore, if you want to lose weight quickly, drinking water is one of the basic steps that you should do.

Make it easier to lose weight, make it a habit to always drink water immediately after waking up. This will be useful for cleaning the stomach acid and digestive tract in the stomach. In addition, the drinking water in the morning can also invigorate the entire body before starting another activity.

5. Burn calories your body with exercise

Sports to be a highly recommended for those who want a quick way to lose weight. Exercise is very important to burn calories in the body and make the body become healthier. You do not have to perform various strenuous exercise, enough to light exercise such as jogging every morning for 15 minutes. If done regularly, you will feel the benefits.

In this exercise, you should not force yourself. What is important here is the consistency or the habit of exercising. Therefore, start slowly, and then schedule a specific time each week to exercise. This method may provide a more optimal so that you can stay slim longer. Surely you do not want to go back to fat again after successfully being slim is not it?

6. Start the day with a healthy breakfast

Want to lose weight fast does not mean you have to miss a chance to have breakfast. Precisely breakfast in the morning is essential to go about your day filled with activities. In addition to the breakfast in the morning, you can reduce excessive appetite at lunch later.

Actually want to look skinny and not the wrong thing, but it would be bad if done carelessly. To lose weight quickly, but stay healthy, it should also be balanced by eating nutritious food. Losing weight does not mean you only eat once a day with a very small portion. If done like this on a continuous basis, your health will be disturbed so that it appears many other diseases by eating disorders or disordered eating.

Prohibition in the rapid diet

Well, so you now know some safety tips that you can do every day if you want to quickly lose weight. If done regularly and continuously every day, then your body will become slimmer without endangering your own health.

In addition, there are some things you should avoid in a diet program to lose weight.

A. Losing weight too quickly or drastically is very harmful to the body. 

In less than a month, it is advisable not to lose weight more than 10 kg or a maximum of about 15% of your current body weight. A good diet is to let you lose weight slowly but surely.

B. A diet that is too tight will endanger your health.

Take a healthy diet as recommended by your physician and nutritionist diet do not do an all-out as quickly tempted to have a slim body.

C. Too much exercise is not good for the body.

Excessive exercise done at all will make your body healthy let alone slim. Instead you will feel tired and lose a lot of energy, so that the immune system will be reduced drastically. This will make you more susceptible to various diseases.

D. Reduce consumption of foods or beverages that contain sugar, salt, and gas.

Well, that's a few tips and restrictions that can maximize your diet so you can lose weight quickly. If done continuously and regularly every day, then you will get results. Always remember that your diet does not mean you have to sacrifice your health to make your body look more thin or slender.